Tuesday, October 4, 2011

6 weeks goal ...... CHECK!!

So today marked the end of my six weeks on Medifast. I am happy with the results.
 I have lost a total of 31 pounds, one clothing size, and four belt nothces (3 inches).  Probably the best thing out of the last six weeks is my confidence in knowing that I can do something on my own for my own reasons. I cleaned out my closet this week... found 34 pairs of pants that I can fit into again... who has 34 pairs but I do... glad I saved them now so I have "new"clothes to wear during transition... I will be in trouble after the next 20-30 pounds though and be accepting donations... just kidden.

The hardest part is when people want to go to lunch or invite you over. It makes it difficult to stick to your plan. Glad I have some great friends that take what I can eat into consideration. But if I decline an invite it may be that it sometimes is too hard with the foods other people are eating. So lunch is out.... I can't eat lunch out and dinner and I prefer to eat dinner. I have to carry food with me wherever I go. I go to church... I carry a bar to eat after.

Some of the battles that I have won inlcude going to a Mexican restaurant and eating no chips, no beans, no rice, and NO CHEESE DIP; going to fast food and not ordering or not snagging a french fry; resisting Chick-fil-A for breakfast when I pass it daily; and wanting a regular coke on a daily basis.Its a constant battle each day. Another side note is that my feet swelling problem has diminished. I am enjoying buying some regular dress shoes and even a new bra... Who would have thought that was enjoyment.

My next 4 week goal is to lose 15 pounds. I want to start to exercise since I haven't really incorporated exercise into my plan. I know that I wont achieve my goal without exercise, but too much on this diet will also make me gain weight or not lose. I am not sure what I will do yet but goal is at least 30 minutes three days a week. Daily encouragement is needed. Not meeting the goal is not an option.