Saturday, November 26, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving. I know it has been awhile since I blogged about my journey. Things have been very crazy in my life right now with trying to finalize my divorce, starting a new adventure with Scentsy (for extra income), and trying to work around all my obligations. With all that being said, I am very thankful for this past year in many ways.

First of all I am thankful for Anna and Lili. I am proud of how strong they have been doing the separation and in knowing about the upcoming divorce. I couldn't ask for better kids in that aspect. I know sometimes they get sad about the circumstances and don't really understand "why them" but overall they have learned to adjust.

Secondly, I am thankful for my family and friends. They have been a great support system for me. I would not have been able to survive this past year without them being there for me. I have the best family (parents, aunts, and uncles) and friends (you know who you are) in the world.

Third, I am really thankful for my adventure with Medifast. I have lost a total of 48 pounds to date. It has probably been the best things that I have ever done FOR ME in my entire life.  There are not many times in my life I can think of putting myself first..except for now. Medifast is helping me gain confidence in myself. I have started the process in becoming a health coach for medifast. If you want to check out my website you can at  If you know someone you think might benefit from Medifast, feel free to forward them the information. Basically, I am learning everything about the program and how to support people (like my coach does) who are on Medifast. One people get discouraged or have questions, the coach helps them figure it out. I hope that I will be able to be successful at this so that I can help other people they way I have been inspired.

My journey is a little slower than I anticipated but it is mostly because I choose to still enjoy my life. Meaning, having a drink when out with friends.... things that you aren't really supposed to do. For the most part, I stick to the plan... even though sometimes my busy life requires that to mean eating alot of salad (kind of getting sick of it).

Just wanted to give you all an update.... and to say how thankful I am that you follow my blog. I am hoping that I will start more blogging again.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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