Thursday, December 29, 2011


I love this quote. It reminds me what is important. It may not all pertain to today but it's encouraging..

Current weight loss 58 pounds...can't wait to reach 75 pounds. Next goal on sight!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Wow holidays are tough when you cant eat what you want. It made it tough but glad I stuck to it..holding at 56 pounds lost so far.

I am so thankful for this past year especially the last few months. I never enjoyed Christmas clothes gifts as much as today because most of the time they wouldn't fit. Then they just hung in my closet. This year was different I really enjoyed the things I got because I could actually wear them and enjoy them. What a difference a few months has made.

My next goal is a small 19 pounds away...trying to hit 75 pounds lost before March. I will still have a ways to go after that but will be able to really be over the halfway mark of my overall goal. I have a big reward scheduled if I meet it...can't tell u until then!!

Here is a picture that I used a program to make the pictures side by side.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and upcoming new year. I know it will be one I want to celebrate.

Monday, December 12, 2011

No Turning Back

No turning back....I titled this blog this way for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that my divorce was final today. And although it is what is best for me and him it still is not easy. I hate breaking my kids' hearts this way. At times they seem to accept it and others still hurt by the whole thing. Today was hard. I had reactions I didn't expect afterwards and immediately wanted to just go eat something not on my plan because I was was a bad moment. Easily I could have went to the first hamburger place and eaten a greasy mess then I thought Mexican food with chips and queso and all that stuff. It took me about ten minutes to get that state of mind gone. To tell myself if I could not eat those things today it would be proving to myself more that I could continue to do this. Sometimes temptation is hard to resist but proud to be able to say that I have and can.

The second reason for the title is that I finally cleaned out my closet. I decided to get rid of anything to big. Why keep it there "just in case". I don't want to turn back and need them one day. I want to continue to lose weight. So after several hours I gathered everything up. I can actually see the clothes in my closet, although I don't have too many choices really. I took a picture of what I got rid of. I don't think the picture does it justice bc it is a whole bunch of clothes. I just didn't want it there because I never want to wear them again to honest.

Current weight loss is now at 53 pounds.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Health Coach..... CHECK!!!

 So today I passed my official Health Coach test. Made a 96%- damn trick questions... just kidden. I thought I would show you a before and after picture. The first picture wasn't even at my highest weight but hopefully you can tell a difference. I still have a long journey ahead of me but I am ready for the challenge.

Remember to check my website. I am trying to update it even more